about this work…

My name is Kenneth Nguyen and I am the host of the Vietnamese podcast. This picture is an old picture of my father and his brother.

Roughly a decade before I launched the Vietnamese podcast, my father died, and shortly before and after his passing, his three brothers and sister, all died. No one on my father’s side of that generation or before is living. Their passing marked the loss of their stories and connections to my grandparents and great-grandparents.

The powerful and often hidden stories of Vietnamese families have shaped lives globally. These narratives have value and must be safeguarded for future generations. Imagine one day, your grandchildren sharing these stories with their grandchildren because you had the foresight to preserve their ancestor’s lives. 

Many of you still have the chance to record and preserve the legacies of your own families. I can sit with your family for a two-hour interview session to record the rich histories of your parents or grandparents and explore the lives of the generations that preceded them.

We can travel back in time, through the layers of your family's past, and can even provide translation services to ensure these stories are accessible to all family members.