Frequently Asked Questions

How many people can i have in the INTERVIEW?

One person is what we suggest. Having two people is ok too. Anymore than that will be harder to keep balanced contribution to the story.

How long are the interViews?

We have three options. 1 hour, 2 hours or a full day. If you have any request for more time please let us know.

What recording methods are used?

We record remote sessions using digital recording platforms. For in person interviews, we bring a video camera and individual microphones for each guests.

Can i customize the questions?

Yes, Kenneth will have a pre-interview session to go over what the intent of the conversation will be. There is a basic conversation format that covers the comprehensive family history but your input is encouraged.

How long does it take to receive the audio and video files?

It takes about 1-2 weeks to turn over the files to you. If there’s any editing or removal of parts of the conversation, we will notify you if it takes additional time.

What kinds of topics do you suggest?

Here are some topic suggestions we can actually spend a whole session on:

  • Oral genealogical history of your family

  • Good and bad life lessons learned throughout the journey.

  • Talk about each person in the family. Great grandparents. Grandparents. Aunts and uncles. Anyone who contributed to the family history.

  • Events that changed the course of your family history.

  • What it was like you and your siblings, the children in your immediate family.

  • The refugee and resettlement experience.

What kinds of payment do you accept?

We accept Venmo, Zelle and Apple Pay.

Why record with kenneth?

Kenneth has recorded over 400 interviews with guests with diverse backgrounds on the Vietnamese podcast. He brings extensive conversational experience along with contextual understanding to the dialogue with your family. He appreciates what questions are needed during the session to bring out the best stories from your family members.

Can we include family pictUres in the video portion?

Yes, we can front load up to 10 images before the conversation starts.